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A form of stroke play where:

  • Your score or your side’s score for a hole is based on points awarded by comparing your number of strokes or your side’s number of strokes on the hole to a fixed score for the hole set by the Committee, and
  • The competition is won by the player or side who completes all rounds with the most points.
Scoring in Stableford

You are awarded points for each hole by comparing the number of strokes you have taken (including strokes made and penalty strokes) to the fixed target score for the hole. See the following chart for how you are awarded points in relation to the fixed target score:

Hole Played In
More than one over fixed target score or no score returned - 0 Points
One over fixed target score - 1 Point
Fixed target score - 2 Points
One under fixed target score - 3 Points
Two under fixed target score - 4 Points
Three under fixed target score - 5 Points
Four under fixed target score - 6 Points